Injured Because of Marcellus Shale Drilling Operations?
Marcellus Shale is likely to be western Pennsylvania’s next great hope for economic recovery and lasting industry. A variety of companies have emerged to compete for drilling rights around the region, and some of these companies have already begun natural gas drilling. However, the unfortunate and unforeseen byproducts of this new “gold rush” have been many. Marcellus Shale drilling operations have led to a host of potentially dangerous situations in western Pennsylvania, including:
- Auto and truck accidents: Marcellus Shale drilling operations require near constant truck activity. The vast majority of this new traffic consists of heavy trucks and construction vehicles, often being operated on rural roads and by individuals with little or no local driving experience. Predictably, accidents involving these giant trucks tend to involve serious injury and even death, both for the truck operators and the local residents involved in such collisions.
- Explosions and fires: In what is becoming a disturbingly regular development, explosions and fires are occurring at drilling sites. These events often result in catastrophic burns, injuries and even death. On-site workers are clearly at risk for devastating injury. However, as drilling progresses closer to residential areas, innocent bystanders and even entire communities will potentially be at risk.
- Road deterioration and hazardous road conditions: Quite often, local residents can identify a new Marcellus Shale drilling site from nothing more than the conditions of the local roads. The vast majority of Marcellus Shale drilling sites are in rural areas with roads that are not rated to handle the extreme weight of the heavy trucks and construction machinery that now regularly travel on them. Worse yet, the constant traffic from these unpaved drilling sites frequently cause excess mud, gravel and wastewater to be tracked onto and left on these local roadways, transforming them into mud slicks. While some of these drilling companies are patching the roadways they destroy as they go, it is unclear whether they have consulted with proper roadway experts to ensure the safety of the roads they have destroyed. Quite simply, the local infrastructure cannot safely handle these new challenges, and the consequence appears to be crumbling and slick roadways being traveled by an endless supply of fast-moving tri-axle trucks operated by drivers of questionable experience.
Should You Call an Attorney?
As your hometown accident and injury lawyers, we too welcome the added economic boost the Marcellus Shale industry seems to promise. However, we remind you that these new developments and resultant jobs cannot come at the price of safety, injury and human life. Call us immediately if you have been injured or damaged due to:
- An explosion or fire at a natural gas drilling site
- A workplace injury at a natural gas drilling site
- An auto accident involving Marcellus Shale construction vehicles or trucks
- An auto accident or other accident caused by slick, muddy and/or deteriorated road conditions around a natural gas drilling site
- Any other damages caused by Marcellus Shale drilling, including contaminated ground water, runoff and wastewater issues
Conlon Tarker, P.C., has successfully represented many clients in cases involving dangerous roads, auto accidents, truck accidents and wrongful death. Our attorneys will stand up for you. We will be your strong advocate, working to build a strong case that obtains maximum compensation for you.
We believe in performance, not promises. If you need experienced legal assistance in getting compensation for injuries or damages resulting from Marcellus Shale drilling operations, contact our firm today. We offer free consultations, will visit you at your home, and do not charge any attorney fees unless you are compensated for your injuries.