When you are in a car accident, you will be tense, nervous and possibly injured. Your first instinct might be an emotional reaction to the trauma of the accident.
In the event of a car accident, your first instincts are probably wrong because of the emotional reaction. Here are some of the biggest mistakes people make after an accident:
Leaving the scene
This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. It is illegal to leave the scene of an accident in Pennsylvania.
Posting on social media
Posting on social media can put your case in jeopardy. Insurance companies can use social media posts against you.
Apologizing or accepting blame
Even though it is tempting, never say the accident was your fault. Once you admit fault, it is very difficult to retract your statement.
Not making notes
You should write down everything you remember about the accident as soon as possible. Write down the following:
- Names
- Dates
- Place
- Events
Recording all of these details will help you recall the event later on.
Not exchanging information
Even if the accident is minor, at the very least, get the name, address, license plate number and insurance information from the other party.
Not calling the police
A police officer is a third party that can legally take statements from witnesses and others. In addition, you may need to provide a police report if you file an insurance claim later.
Not seeing a doctor
Although you may not feel the need to go to the hospital immediately or call an ambulance, it is wise to follow up with your primary care physician for an overview of your injuries. Adrenaline can mask pain or other symptoms for hours or even days later.
If you were in a car accident and suffer from an injury, speak with Conlon Tarker, P.C. and try to avoid making any of these mistakes.